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Marriott Waterfront - Block $154/night

Like last year, we are using the Rooming List template for reservations. 
In order to receive the block rate at the Marriott at Waterfront Place Hotel, they are requesting that all reservations be completed by Rooming List. Make sure to download the room template form and then fill it out. Once complete, save it as an excel sheet and email it to Rebekah Lewis from Marriott at  If you have any issues or questions, you may call Marriott for help. 

Instructions for Rooming List excel spreadsheet:
The rooming template is laid out with two sheets, one with the Rooming List Template and the other with Template Instructions. These are very detailed and should be read through prior to filling out the form.
When reserving, you must put a different name for each room. You as the teacher can't put your name for every single room, but you can put your contact information (email) for each room.  After that, go to the Additional Guests tab and put the other people who will be staying in that room. For the next line, you would put one student or chaperone on the front page, and then put the additional guests on the second page with the Additional Guests tab. For example, I put myself in the first contact spot, and then my husband as the second guest in that room as shown. If you are unsure of who will be staying in each room, make your best judgement, and you can update the Marriott before the end of January of any changes.


There is not a dropdown for room type preference. If you have a preference of King vs. 2 Queen beds, you may put that preference in the GROUP CODE column as shown. 
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!

Click to download
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